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Joe Weiler


Joe Weiler

Purdue University Golf team. 

Weiler during a golf hit. Image courtesy of Joe Weiler

Name: Joe Weiler.

Age: September 11, 1998.

Origin: Bloomington, Indiana.

Major: Industrial Engineering. 

Sport: Golf.

Favorite sport to watch: NFL, football. 

Team: Packers. 

Dream place to visit: Italy.

Dream employment: professional golf player.

Lecture that impacted your early professional career: Pressure is Privilege


Weiler started playing golf with his dad, at the age of three. He also played baseball, and basketball for a while. He committed to Purdue during his Junior year of High School. He was looking for a combination of academics, sports, and staying close to home. “I knew I wanted to stay in the midwest.”

Joe also looked into other Big Ten universities, among his top options were University of Indiana and Ohio State. The combination of the engineering program, and the golf facilities made Purdue the perfect fit for him. 


The golf team practices from five to six hours per day. “We are allowed to put in 20 hours per week, we definitely put in more hours than most sports. Definitely 30 hours per week.” The golfer explains that the same resources and amenities are available for everybody. “There are no differences from player to player.” Compared with the women’s golf team the main difference is that brands that dress them are different. However, since the men's and women’s golf team program is combined, they should be very similar.


The treatment among genders in golf is a little bit different. “I think it is a little bit more fun to watch a man hit a golf ball, just because it hits further and it probably looks cooler but if you are a true golfer you would appreciate how good women are.” The men’s golf team counts with four and a half scholarships, while women with six and a half. 

In the golf industry males are more popular. “They are treated differently due to their fame and the money they make.”


Regarding a possible increasement of golf women coverage “It will increase their status, and it will definitely help. I will get to know more female players. If there are women training in the country club, it will be a high chance that I won’t know who she is but if it is a male golfer I will know him.”

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